Anirniit Gel
with Colloidal Silver

disinfection and healing
Anirniit Gel with Colloidal Silver is a product that combines modern traditional medicine with scientific research results. It promotes healing of wounds of various aetiologies. The gel’s texture is prefect for application to damaged skin areas and helps to form a protective coating.

Anirniit Gel
with Colloidal Silver

disinfection and healing
Anirniit Gel with Colloidal Silver is a product that combines modern traditional medicine with scientific research results. It promotes healing of wounds of various aetiologies. The gel’s texture is prefect for application to damaged skin areas and helps to form a protective coating.

Anirniit Gel with Colloidal Silver:

  • Wound healing
    promotes wound healing by forming the thinnest coating on the skin surface
  • Skin diseases
    helps with skin diseases (furunculosis, fungal lesions, burns, dermatoses, eczema)
  • Trophic ulcers healing
    promotes healing of trophic ulcers caused by circulatory disorders of the lower extremities
  • Skin regeneration
    stimulates the surface layers of the epidermis to regenerate
  • Sanation of bedsores
    used for the sanation of bedsores
  • As a protective cream
    used as a protective hand cream, retains moisture in the skin, helps to avoid chapped skin

Anirniit Gel with Colloidal Silver:

  • Wound healing
    promotes wound healing by forming the thinnest coating on the skin surface
  • Skin diseases
    helps with skin diseases (furunculosis, fungal lesions, burns, dermatoses, eczema)
  • Trophic ulcers healing
    promotes healing of trophic ulcers caused by circulatory disorders of the lower extremities
  • Skin regeneration
    stimulates the surface layers of the epidermis to regenerate
  • Sanation of bedsores
    used for the sanation of bedsores
  • As a protective cream
    used as a protective hand cream, retains moisture in the skin, helps to avoid chapped skin
How it works
Colloidal silver has a triple effect on the cells of pathogenic bacteria:
1. Bactericidal. Colloidal silver creates an environment in which pathogenic microbes cannot exist and reproduce.
2. Bacteriostatic. Affecting the DNA, it disrupts the division mechanism and prevents the reproduction of bacteria.
3. Cytotoxic. Penetrating into the cell, silver particles act as toxins, disrupting its metabolic processes, which eventually causes the death of bacteria.

Colloidal silver simultaneously kills pathogenic microflora and sanitizes inflammatory foci created in connection with its vital activity.
Colloidal silver has a triple effect on the cells of pathogenic bacteria:
1. Bactericidal. Colloidal silver creates an environment in which pathogenic microbes cannot exist and reproduce.
2. Bacteriostatic. Affecting the DNA, it disrupts the division mechanism and prevents the reproduction of bacteria.
3. Cytotoxic. Penetrating into the cell, silver particles act as toxins, disrupting its metabolic processes, which eventually causes the death of bacteria.

Colloidal silver simultaneously kills pathogenic microflora and sanitizes inflammatory foci created in connection with its vital activity.
2. Silver nanoparticles attack the DNA of bacteria and prevent their division
1. Silver nanoparticles destroy the bacterial cell wall
3. Silver nanoparticles disrupt the metabolism of microbes
Ag (silver) is the 47th chemical element of the periodic table, a lustrous white metal.
It is one of the precious (noble) metals.
It has been known since ancient times that silver is one of the best germ fighters. The universality of silver's action is that it is specific not to a particular infection (like antibiotics) but to a cellular structure. Silver ions bind to peptidoglycans, unique substances found in bacterial cell membranes, compromising the microbial shell's integrity.
Human and animal cells do not contain peptidoglycans; hence, they are not susceptible to the toxic effects of silver particles.
знак серебра, Argentum
Ag (cеребро) — 47-й химический элемент таблицы Менделеева, металл зеркально-белого цвета. Относится к драгоценным (благородным) металлам.
С древних времен известно, что серебро является одним из лучших борцов с микробами.
Универсальность действия серебра в том, что оно специфично не по инфекции (как антибиотики), а по клеточной структуре. Клеточные мембраны бактерий содержат особые соединения — пептидогликаны, именно с ними связываются ионы серебра, нарушая целостность оболочки микробов.
Клетки человека и животных не содержат пептидогликанов, поэтому не подвержены
токсическому воздействию частиц серебра.
The effects of the gel are based on the properties of colloidal silver included in the composition.
Colloidal silver has antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, and antiseptic effects. Furthermore, it has a local protective and anti-inflammatory action by producing a protective albuminous coating on the damaged area as a result of protein coagulation, promoting fast tissue repair.

Colloidal silver consists of microscopic silver nanoparticles suspended in demineralized and deionized water. This is a product of high scientific technology. The silver nanoparticles used are 1−5 nm in size. They have a large specific surface area, which increases the area of contact of silver with bacteria or viruses, significantly improving its bactericidal effects.
взвешенные наночастицы серебра

The effects of the gel are based on the properties of colloidal silver included in the composition.

Colloidal silver has antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, and antiseptic effects. Furthermore, it has a local protective and anti-inflammatory action by producing a protective albuminous coating on the damaged area as a result of protein coagulation, promoting fast tissue repair.

Colloidal silver consists of microscopic silver nanoparticles suspended in demineralized and deionized water. This is a product of high scientific technology. The silver nanoparticles used are 1−5 nm in size. They have a large specific surface area, which increases the area of contact of silver with bacteria or viruses, significantly improving its bactericidal effects.

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OOO Dominanta, Russia, Novosibirsk