Reindeer lichen
(lat. Cladonia rangiferina)

It belongs to lichens of the genus Cladonia. This genus contains a group of shrubby lichens with a relatively small size of the thallus. The thallus is divided into primary and secondary, and the latter can develop only on the basis of the former.
We are talking about lichen – the result of a "collaboration" of sac fungi, unicellular algae and microorganisms that can assimilate nitrogen. It forms extensive mats up to 5-10 cm tall. Its "leaves" are lilac-greenish-brown on the outside, a bit lighter on the inside, with a red tinge.
The most important component of reindeer lichen is usnic acid, which is a powerful antibiotic that prevents proliferation of putrefactive bacteria, and is actively used against streptococci and staphylococci. Mycobacterium tuberculosis is also sensitive to it. The unquestionable advantage of the acid is that when the intestine is exposed to it, the microbial balance is not disturbed.
Reindeer lichen is a valuable source of many micro- and macroelements as well as vitamins necessary for the human body. It contains essential amino acids, fatty acids, triglycerides, dietary fibre, sugars, mucilage, phenolic compounds, B vitamins as well as vitamins C and A, iron, copper, chromium, iodine, and nickel. All of the above components make reindeer lichen practically the most valuable of all lichens. This organism is used to synthesize medicines both in conventional medicineand in folk recipes. Experts say that the substances contained in reindeer lichen have a pronounced antimicrobial effect and help the human body cope with infectious pathogens of various diseases. Reindeer lichen contains essential amino acids, fatty acids, triglycerides, dietary fibre, sugars, mucilage, phenolic compounds, B vitamins as well as vitamins C and A, iron, copper, chromium, iodine, and nickel. Moreover, they are effective even in cases where conventional antibacterial drugs are of no help.
Reindeer lichen contains the following substances: 50% – cell membrane mucilage – lichenin polysaccharide soluble in hot water; isolichenin – polysaccharide with a chemical structure similar to starch; lycenic acids; pectins; iodine; vitamins A and B1.
Hemicellulose makes up almost 60% of reindeer lichen, more than 20% is made up by dietary fibres, slightly less (4%) is cellulose. Reindeer lichen contains protein, sugars, crude fibre, triglycerides, fats and fatty acids, ributol, phenolic compounds.
Reindeer moss is rich in vitamins A, C, B, micro- and macroelements (iron, copper, nickel, chromium, manganese, iodine, barium, etc.).

It is also called natural penicillin which is effective against many pathogenic bacteria and viruses. It is able to inhibit (although, unfortunately, not stop) the HIV virus and eliminate the bacterium Helicobacter pylori.
Reindeer lichen is an herb with medicinal and beneficial properties. It is used to make infusions, which are applied in medicine very often for a wide variety of diseases and pathological processes. Doctors and healers use its anti-inflammatory, soothing, antimicrobial, laxative, and regenerating properties. Additionally, reindeer moss has haemostatic and choleretic effects. Reindeer lichen inhibits pathogenic bacteria from infecting wound surfaces, burns, and frostbites. Since the components of the lichen also have an enveloping effect, they are able to protect damaged skin from the irritating effects of the environment.
Reindeer lichen has a positive effect on the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract in such serious diseases as peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum or various gastritis. In a short time, it completely eliminates the inflammatory process and relieves pain syndrome. At the same time, the repair processes of the mucous membrane surface and its deeper layers are accelerated thanks to the regenerating effect of the reindeer lichen. Reindeer moss has a high resistance to Koch's bacillus, the causative agent of tuberculosis. That is why reindeer lichen is contained in a variety of drugs aimed at combating this serious disease.
Not only does reindeer lichen fight directly against the causative agent of the disease, but it also helps accelerate the repair of the lung tissue. As a result, from the very first day of therapy, the patient experiences a clinical improvement in their overall health and a reduction in the intensity of their tuberculosis symptoms.
Reindeer lichen has an immunomodulatory effect that boosts the body's defence mechanisms, aiding in the defence against a variety of infectious illnesses, including colds. Lichen alleviates the severity of acute respiratory viral infection symptoms such as cough and runny nose. Furthermore, the excretion of sputum from the bronchi is accelerated by diluting its structure and removing oedema from the respiratory system's lumen. All of this contributes to a significant reduction in the number of complications that may arise following common colds. Please note! Reindeer lichen is currently proven to be effective in the treatment of malignant neoplasms. Due to its antineoplastic properties, reindeer moss can considerably reduce the proliferation and growth of cancer cells. However, in order to achieve the best results, reindeer lichen preparations must be used in conjunction with conventional medicine methods rather than as a monotherapy. Reindeer lichen helps minimize the number of nodules, normalize size, and hasten recovery in cases of thyroid gland malfunction. In some cases, taking reindeer lichen preparations can help the patient without requiring surgery. Due to the herb's medicinal and beneficial qualities, infusions derived from reindeer lichen show excellent efficacy even against the most recent strains of the microorganism. Reindeer moss works well for gastrointestinal issues, appetite loss, vitamin deficiencies, and seasonal fatigue. When it comes to excess weight, using medications that contain reindeer lichen can aid in weight loss without requiring rigorous diets that put strain on the body.
An interesting fact! Reindeer lichen is practically the only medication with no contraindications. Even women who are pregnant or breastfeeding can use drugs that include this component.
Once deer moss has been dried, its useful components start to break down and lose their structure, so it should not be stored for longer than five years.
Source:© - Secrets of a woman's beauty and health
Apart from their antimicrobial and antiviral properties, they possess several other beneficial attributes concerning human health. Mucous substances aid in the treatment of upper respiratory tract infections by dissolving mucus, facilitating coughing, and preventing the drying out of mucous membranes. The moss (reindeer lichen) has medicinal properties in relation to the respiratory tract due to its antibacterial and antiviral effects. Protolichesteric acid is effective against Mycobacterium avium (Mycobacterium avium can cause mycobacteriosis, which most commonly manifests as damage to the human respiratory system and destruction of lung tissue, lymphadenitis in children, and disseminated processes in people with immune system damage. They can only cause tuberculosis in patients with AIDS), a non-pathogenic bacterium that is similar to M. tuberculosis, the tuberculosis causative agent. Thus, the traditional use of reindeer lichen to treat this disease is justified. The substance also inhibits other pathogenic bacteria. Studies have shown that protolichesteric acid is more effective than the antibiotic streptomycin, and due to increased bacterial resistance to antibiotics used, more research is needed. Polysaccharides (primarily ?-glucans) have a strong immunostimulant effect, increasing phagocyte activity and decreasing the immune system's anti-complex activity, which is useful for the treatment of a variety of infections. Thanks to the polysaccharides, the reindeer lichen extract has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Protolineric acid has been tested against several tumour cell types, including leukaemia and breast carcinoma cells, and its antitumor effect has piqued the interest of experts.

The healing properties of reindeer lichen and its therapeutic effects:
  • antioxidant;
  • antibiotic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antibacterial;
  • antiviral;
  • tonic;
  • immunostimulant.
  • wound healing;
  • antimicrobial;
  • haemostatic;
  • soothing;
  • laxative;
  • choleretic.
Treatment with reindeer moss (lichen) is recommended for the following conditions: inflammation of the mouth, throat, and digestive tract; gastroenteritis; diarrhoea; stomach and intestinal catarrh; the appearance of neoplasms; thyroid disorders; asthma; bronchitis; poorly healing wounds.
Useful properties of the plant for women:
Reindeer lichen benefits women primarily by significantly slowing the growth of cancer cells in breast carcinoma. The natural medicine is safe for use during the menopausal period, which is critical for all women. It alleviates unpleasant symptoms while restoring overall well-being and hormonal balance.
Benefits for Men
While there are no specifically "male" benefits of reindeer lichen, its anti-cancer properties deserve consideration given the rise in male cases of prostate cancer diagnosed by medical professionals. Moreover, the average age of men affected by the disease keeps decreasing. Just as important for men is overall body strengthening, improvement of strength and endurance. Article for you: Medicinal properties of mallow and its use in folk medicine
Reindeer lichen for Children
Children can also benefit from the qualities of reindeer lichen, also known as reindeer moss. However, it is not recommended for children under 6-7 years old. The dosage for children is half of an adult dose. The effects on a child's body are similar to those on adults.
Pregnancy and lactation
Colds in pregnant women
Reindeer moss, also known as reindeer lichen, and its medicinal properties can be safely used during pregnancy and lactation. What we have here is one of the few natural medicines that are advised for expectant or nursing mothers! Unlike most pharmaceutical drugs, which are partially or completely prohibited during these periods, lichen can help treat respiratory and other diseases without causing side effects.
Respiratory tract diseases
As previously mentioned, reindeer lichen is one of the most effective natural antibiotics. In folk medicine, it is primarily used to treat inflammation of the oral cavity and pharynx. Thanks to its ability to dilute and remove mucus, it is a good remedy for colds, dry and irritable coughs, various respiratory infections, and inflammation of the nasopharynx. Reindeer moss soothes irritated mucous membranes in the oral cavity and is therefore recommended as a supplement in the treatment of bronchitis and asthma. It is used as tea or as a component in tea blends (it goes well with mallow, plantain, coltsfoot, horsetail, etc.).
Chemical composition of dry reindeer lichen, %
  • Savvateeva L.Yu., Turshuk E.G. Nauchnoe obosnovanie i perspektivy pishchevogo ispol'zovaniya yagelya, soderzhashchego usninovuyu kislotu [Scientificjustificationandprospectsfornutritionaluseofreindeerlichencontainingusnicacid] [Electronicresource] (inRussian)
  • An'shakova V.V., Stepanova A.V., Smagulova A.Sh. Khimicheskii analiz lishainika kak potentsial'nogo biosyr'ya [Chemical analysis of lichen as a potential biological resource] // Sovremennye problemy nauki i obrazovaniya – Modern problems of science and education. — 2014. — No. 6.[1](inRussian)
  • Article "Yagel'"[ Reindeer lichen] in the 1st and 2nd editions of the Great Soviet Encyclopedia (in Russian)
  • Yagel' [Reindeer lichen] //Sel'skokhozyaistvennaya entsiklopediya – Agricultural encyclopedia: In 5 volumes/ Editorial board: I. Benediktov, A. Gritsenko, M. Il'in. — 3rd ed., revised and enlarged — Moscow: Selhozgiz, 1949–1956. Vol. 5 (inRussian)
  • Yagel' [Reindeerlichen] // Bol'shayasovetskayaentsiklopediya – TheGreatSovietEncyclopedia: [in 30 volumes] / chiefeditorA. M. Prokhorov. — 3rded. — М.: Sovetskaya entsiklopediya, 1969–1978 (inRussian)
  • Yagel' [Reindeerlichen] // EfremovaT. F. Novyislovar' russkogoyazyka. Tolkovo-slovoobrazovatel'nyi [The new dictionary of the Russian language. Dictionary of definitions and derivations.] – М.: Russkii yazyk, 2000 (in Russian)

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